Institutional Partners

The Foundation for Environmental Education, managing Blue Flag, partners with some of the world's foremost organisations in the fields of education and the environment.

Recognised by UNESCO as “a world-leader within the fields of Environmental Education and Education for Sustainable Development”, our strength comes from our members, who share our convictions and execute our programmes with great efficiency on a daily basis. Hand-picked by FEE for their dedication  and outstanding ability, it is these local organisations who make FEE the community-focused entity that it is today.

The Foundation for Environmental Education has a signed Memorandum of Understanding with UNESCO, UNEP, the Caribbean Hotel and Tourism Association (CHTA), ICLEI, and, most recently, GERICS.

Below are Blue Flag's main institutional partners:

Caribbean Hotel & Tourism Association

The Caribbean Hotel and Tourism Association (CHTA) is a not-for-profit corporation that aims to facilitate the full potential of the Caribbean hotel & tourism industry by serving member needs and building partnerships in a socially responsible and sustainable manner. 

European Environment Agency (EEA)

EEA is an important partner to Blue Flag for the exchange of information and the implementation of excellent bathing water policies. 

EEA is participating in the International Blue Flag Jury.

European Network for Accessible Tourism (ENAT)

ENAT is a non-profit association with a global membership base, working with the public sector, the tourism industry and NGOs to ensure universally accessible and inclusive tourism opportunities for all visitors.

ENAT and Blue Flag have signed an official Memorandum of Understanding and ENAT is participating in the Blue Flag Jury, contributing its expertise on accessibility policies, standards and best practice.

The Coastal & Marine Union (EUCC)

EUCC is an important partner to Blue Flag for the exchange of information on coastal and management issues.

EUCCis participating in the International Blue Flag Jury.

Climate Service Center Germany - GERICS

GERICS is an independent scientific organizational entity of the Helmholtz-Zentrum Hereon. Based in Hamburg, Germany, the interdisciplinary team of GERICS focuses on developing scientifically based prototype products and services to support decision-makers in politics, business, and public administration with climate change adaptation. 


ICLEI – Local Governments for Sustainability is a global network of more than 2500 local and regional governments committed to sustainable urban development. Active in 125+ countries, they influence sustainability policy and drive local action for low emission, nature-based, equitable, resilient and circular development.

ICLEI is participating in the International Blue Flag Jury.


CitiesWithNature is a partnership initiative founded by ICLEI: Local Governments for Sustainability, The Nature Conservancy (TNC) and the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN).

CitiesWithNature provides a shared global platform to strengthen collective action and mainstream nature into our cities and surrounding regions, thus enabling cities and partners to embark on a journey to reconnect urban communities with nature.

International Council of Marine Industry Associations (ICOMIA)

ICOMIA is the international trade association representing the global marine industry since 1966.

ICOMIA brings together national marine industry associations in one global organisation and represents them at an international level, presenting a strong and united voice when dealing with issues challenging the industry.

ICOMIA is participating in the International Blue Flag Jury.

International Lifesaving Federation (ILS)

ILS is a key partner to Blue Flag regarding lifesaving issues.

In 2010, ILS and FEE signed an official Memorandum of Understanding, and ILS is participating in the International Blue Flag Jury.

World Sustainable Hospitality Alliance

The World Sustainable Hospitality Alliance brings together the hospitality industry and strategic partners to address key challenges affecting the planet and its people, local destinations and communities. They develop practical free resources and programmes to create a prosperous and responsible hospitality sector that gives back more than it takes.

UN Tourism

UN Tourism is a very important partner to Blue Flag in the promotion of sustainable tourism. In 2007, UN Tourism and FEE signed an official Memorandum of Understanding recognising the Blue Flag and Green Key FEE programmes as valuable awards. As part of the agreement, UN Tourism and FEE will facilitate mutual dialogue and involvement, advise on technical matters and work on joint fundraising and activities.  

UN Tourism is participating in the International Blue Flag Jury.

 World Cetacean Alliance (WCA)

WCA is the world’s largest Partnership working to protect whales, dolphins and porpoises (cetaceans). Through cooperation, the partners of the WCA aim to conserve and protect cetaceans and their habitats in the world’s oceans, seas and rivers, to ensure their continued health and survival.

They believe that local communities hold the key to protecting cetaceans and their habitats, supported by grass-roots organisations, knowledgeable individuals, and ecotourism experts.

WCA is participating in the International Blue Flag Jury.