Joaquin Diaz - FEE Board Member
The future of the world has only one way… sustainability. Environmental education is the key.

Ivor Ambrose
Managing Director, European Network for Accessible Tourism - ENAT asbl.
ENAT is a multi-stakeholder, non-profit network of businesses, public bodies, professionals and non-governmental organisations, with members in over 50 countries worldwide. We work with our members and partners, including Blue Flag, towards our mission, to improve accessibility in the tourism sector for persons with disabilities and many others who experience access barriers when travelling.
Accessibility has been an important criterion for Blue Flag accreditation for a few years now. In this regard, a Blue Flag means that at least minimum accessibility conditions are met and that they are continually being improved, among other things, due to the contribution of municipalities which recognise the need to offer good accessibility to all citizens.
As a member of the International Jury, I draw on my long experience in the accessibility field and the expertise and dedication of my ENAT colleagues, to ensure that the Blue Flag stands as a guarantee for the highest standards in inclusion and accessibility. It is our common aim to contribute to the sustainable development of the planet and a higher quality of life for local citizens and visitors alike.

Dr. Mustafa Aydın
European Environment Agency
Zero pollution expert,
European Environment Agency, has more than 20 years of experience in the environmental field, on bathing water quality, marine litter, integrated coastal zone management, environmental impact assessment and strategic environmental assessment.
Experienced in state of the environment data and assessments, environmental reporting at national and European level including a European-wide knowledge of water pollution, source to sea marine assessments, bathing water quality assessments, and sector pressures affecting the state of water quality.

Kobie Brand
Global Coordinator: Biodiversity, ICLEI
Regional Director: ICLEI Africa

Bernard Combes
UNESCO, Programme Specialist, Education for Sustainable Development
Chair, Greening UNESCO
Bernard Combes supports UNESCO’s activities on Education for Sustainable Development (ESD). He coordinates the implementation of the Global Action Programme on ESD priority action area on Accelerating sustainable solutions at local level through capacity and partnership building in order to improve the quality of local platforms for learning and cooperation and strengthen multi-stakeholder networks at local level to integrate ESD programmes and perspectives into communities’ planning and decision-making processes.
He is also the Education Sector focal point for biodiversity and UNESCO focal point for the Earth Charter, and among other things, works to reinforce cooperation with other agencies and stakeholders in regards to Communication, Education and Public Awareness in the areas of biodiversity, water, oceans, cities and sustainable lifestyles.

Jean-Michel Gaigné
ICOMIA (International Council of Marine Industry Associations) Marinas Group
I am a Certified Marina Manager, member of ICOMIA Marinas Group, appointed as delegate of the IMG to represent our organisation at all Blue Flag meetings.
Being one of the first people to have endorsed the creation of Blue Flag, in France, 30 years ago, I have always supported and promoted the Blue Flag scheme, particularly in the field of marinas. For me, even if there are other relevant environmental programmes in different countries, the Blue Flag remains the most recognised one among the citizens, wherever you are in the world. It makes a big difference, since when you see a Blue Flag flying over a marina or a beach, you know immediately that you are in a community where environment is not just an excuse, but a proactive approach.

Dr. Dirk Glaesser
Director, Sustainable Development of Tourism
World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
The World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) is a longstanding Blue Flag Institutional Partner and Member of the International Jury. Blue Flag became an international recognized award for tourists and tour operators and an effective tool for coastal areas to assess, measure and monitor their sustainability performance by analyzing a full set of criteria which are pivotal to sustain and support tourism sector’s efforts to globally accelerate the shift towards sustainable consumption and production patterns.

David R. Green
Aberdeen Institute for Coastal Science and Management Director
University of Aberdeen (representing EUCC)
Beaches and marinas are both very important to coastal tourism around the world. Use of our coasts by people requires careful management. The work the Blue Flag carries out through its beach and marina awards contribute to the maintenance of a sustainable coastal environment. The EUCC and the EUCC-UK support the work of the Blue Flag as part of their desire to promote the conservation and maintenance of healthy seas and attractive coasts for both people and nature.

Sophie Lewis
Sophie is the [Interim] CEO of the World Cetacean Alliance (WCA), where she leads global initiatives to promote responsible cetacean conservation and sustainable tourism practices. With extensive experience in the sustainable tourism sector, Sophie has been instrumental in developing international guidelines, training and certification programs for responsible whale and dolphin watching for businesses and destinations.
Sophie’s academic background, coupled with her professional experience in conservation, responsible tourism and human behaviour change, has deepened a passion for exploring the relationship between natural ecosystems and human environments.
The World Cetacean Alliance and Blue Flag share an aligned ethos of working towards sustainable coastal and marine tourism that protects our wildlife and their habitats.

Claire Ann Viesca Alfonso
Norges Livredningsselskap / Norwegian Lifesaving Society President
International Lifesaving Federation (ILS) and International Lifesaving Federation Europe (ILSE) Board Member
©Picture: André Clark-Utvik.

Riccardo Zennaro
United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)
Associate Programme Officer, Pollution-Free Ecosystems Unit, Ecosystems Division
Riccardo follows the implementation of the wastewater portfolio (project and programme management and the coordination of the Global Wastewater Initiative) at UNEP in Nairobi, Kenya. He is passionate about wastewater management and sanitation and has experience working on environmental and water-related programmes and projects in Africa and Europe. He holds a Master’s degree in Environmental Technology and International Affairs. Loves nature (especially the sea!) and enjoys traveling, photography, writing, and sports.
Blue Flag institutes management procedures and a global standard for the protection of key coastal resources, especially at tourism destinations. The programme has achieved a significant global footprint from among developed, developing, and emerging countries with numerous examples of best practices in institutional arrangement, operations, and performance. Blue Flag is therefore an important partner institution to UNEP for the protection of valued marine and coastal destination assets globally.