Blue Flag Turkey to raise awareness about responsible fishing and marine pollution — Blue Flag

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Blue Flag Turkey to raise awareness about responsible fishing and marine pollution

Since February, “Let’s get together in blue for future generations” project is running in Antalya, Turkey, to raise children’s awareness among sustainable fishery.  


Encouraged by TÜRÇEV, the organisation running the Blue Flag programme in Turkey, this project aims to teach children between 7-13 years old about rules of amateur fishing, marine pollution and its effects on marine species. This training has been held every last Sunday of each month since its launch in February.

 At the beginning of the project, the purpose was to reach a total of 600 students and their parents within one year by the end of 2019. By October 2019, 280 students from different schools and 482 of their parents have already attended to a one day educational seminar! By teaching children and their parents about marine species, Blue Flag Turkey does a great job for the protection of the environment. Involving families into this activity permits interactions between generations which is a key variable for the future of our planet.

Today, we learned the names and functions of the fishes, fishing. Dangerous ones, ones not to be eaten and catched, for example - Ceren, age 9

The first event of the project took place in Antalya EXPO area on February 17th with the participation of 50 students and parents. Participants kids were informed about environmental awareness, consumption habits, amateur fishing, fish species and other topics of interest. Then fishing activities have been carried out with fishing rods suitable for children. Fishes caught were put back into water after being examined delicately (no harm given) and measured on fish scale.


This project is undersigned by Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry Antalya Provincial Directorate of Agriculture and Forestry, Mediterranean Fishers and Sports Club Association (AKBADER), Touristic Air Transportation Co. (Corendon Airlines), Belek Tourism Investors Joint Venture (BETUYAB), Foundation for Environmental Education in Turkey (TÜRÇEV) and Mediterranean Research, Production and Training Institute (AKSAM).